This time it's not only the Western Cape that will be out of power, but the entire country.
I therefore propose a simple 'Save Jou Ma Se Power!' campaign. Please change your IM message/signature (on Skype or Google Talk or Jabber etc) to 'Save Jou Ma se Power!' to raise awareness and remind people to switch off their geysers and air conditioners during the day.
okay, not so many people online (it being Friday night and all), but of 6 buddies online, 4 already say 'Save Jou Ma se Power'. (It actually says 'Save Jou Ma se Po' because the rest is obscured by the window size)
And to top it all off - listen to Jou Ma Se News.
SA's bi-weekly, politically incorrect comedy news podcast by John Vlismas - not for the feint-hearted or those easily offended.
Disclosure - I work with them.
Eish, Angus, that leads straight to a Squatter Domain. Will Jou Ma Se News be reporting about its own spamming activities?
Eish thanks. You are right. Looks like that domain has expired. I'm on to it now. Apologies for the crap link - will be sorted shortly. The does work tho.
Henkk, the squatters have been evicted. Jou Ma is back.
Lesson learned.
Henk, I am loving blogs and right now! Hope you're doing well bru, never thuoght I'd see you after uni!
As far as the Eskom thing goes, I realise that there are major issues right now with power, though it upsets me when everyone blames Eskom, really, we (yes, I'm on that side:) ) had our hands bound for a long time, though a lot of planning was done.
Right now 3 power stations are under construction, and a lot more are pretty close to starting. i know it's a ball ache, but things are looking up!
I've turned off my geyser for good - only turn it on in winter for shaving (although the kettle does just fine) and when guests from the cold Europe arrive. ;)
Funny thing is that the cold water is no longer cold, and even in winter, due to the law of thermodynamics, if you with your feeble and cold body step out into a relatively warm environment, you'll never feel cold. The reverse is true, too, so if you have a hot shower in winter and step into a relatively cold environment, you always feel cold.
And... as a result of what still brings incredulous looks and comments, my bill is down to R50 a month. I think that's cool. :)
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