Tuesday, April 24, 2007

It's about sharing, stupid!

I was massively inspired after meeting Creative Commons chair Larry Lessig! His message is focused around 'Read/Write culture' and the "freedom" of online content.

He gave countless examples of how less control leads to more innovation! I constantly talk about building a worldwide community of Wi-Fi hotspots that is almost totally out of control, allowing entrepreneurs to earn a living by reselling bandwidth, while at the same time bringing down the total cost to end-users.

To say thanks to Heather Ford and iCommons for bringing Larry Lessig and Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales to South African shores and their work in promoting free society, Skyrove will be sponsoring 3 Skyrove routers to be auctioned at the upcoming 27 Dinner, the proceeds of which will go to iCommons.

These babies will earn you money, while giving your neighbours cheap Wi-Fi access!

If you're not convinced about how cool sharing your internet is, go check out
the Skyrove movie at www.skyrove.com.

Also see this post by Mike Stopforth and this post by Dave Duarte and this post by Jared Cinman and this post by Esther Dyson and this post by Glen Verran and this post by Dave Gale and this post by Chris Rawlinson! *phew*

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