We auctioned off a few more routers at the 27 Dinner last night. All proceeds are going to iCommons, a non-profit that promotes free culture, free speech, free software and do cool things like bringing Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales and the 'out of control innovator' Larry Lessig to South Africa.
The lucky new owners of Skyrove Hotspots-to-Go are:
Angus Robinson (R800)
Derek Abdinor (R1000)
Thea Burger (R900, which she actually offered after the auction was finished!)
I love what iCommons is doing to promote 'out of control' innovation through their clear understanding of how social networks affect Read/Write culture.
Ha, you're a good sales person as well :P Got it set up - it's awesome... will post questions to the forums.
hi Henkk, don't forget to send me banko details, thanks
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