If you're as bad as I am at organising your cr*p (which you may fondly refer to as your post-its, shopping lists, phone numbers or doodles), then I strongly recommend you to check out BackPack from 37Signals.
Backpack is a Web 2.0 'Information Organizer' (aka 'Lifesaver', in my mind anyways) that allows you to gather your gather your ideas, to-dos, notes, photos & files online. You can also set email and mobile reminders to be sent to you.
Backpack organises your information around pages, where each page can have several lists or notes. A note can include a picture or links. One way I've been using it lately is in my search for office space. I created a page for this 'project', and added a separate note for each potential location with the details, contact numbers and a photo.
The functionality is just right for 'Getting Things Done' and ties in very nicely with the GTD philosophy. Furthermore, Backpack is 'Oh So Slick', with a quick AJAX interface which further helps to get things done quickly, rather than wasting your time working with the app itself.
Here's a screenshot with annotations: (Click to enlarge)
The biggest drawback about Web 2.0 applications is that you can't use them when offline. Not to fear, that's where PackRat comes in. It's a very simple app (for Mac OS X) that links with your Backpack account to keep things synchronized. Get it here.
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