Thursday, September 06, 2007

Geek Dinner Powerpoint Karaoke

I'm very stoked to see that the London Geek Dinner website is using my definition to answer the question: 'What is a Geek?'

A geek is NOT a computer nerd… A geek is not someone who wears 2 inch thick glasses and giggles at the sight of a woman.

A geek is someone who is curious, information hungry and on a constant quest for more knowledge. According to Wikipedia, a “geek is an individual who is fascinated by knowledge and imagination

Geeks use information, logic and their imagination to make decisions or come up with new ideas. You get different kinds of geeks. Of course you have computer geeks but you also have botany geeks, philosophy geeks, music geeks, design geeks and (gasp!) marketing geeks!

So why the popular association of ‘geek’ with ‘computer nerd’? Because almost all geeks use computers. Why? Because a computer is the greatest information tool around and all geeks are information addicts. Many geeks will become extremely adept at using this tool and take some extra time learning how to get the most out of it.

One of the things they started doing at the London Geek Dinner is Powerpoint Karaoke. 5 speakers present slides that they they've never seen before!

I'll definitely try to attend the next time I'm in London!


d4v3g said...

So that was what Alan was doing on day 3 of iWeek! ;)

Anonymous said...

LMAO - now that is really awesome in a truly Geeky way! Will definitely have to use that in a training session as an icebreaker :)

Joy-Mari Cloete said...

I always knew I was a geek!!