Friday, January 26, 2007

Podcast Zen

I had a really good time last week being interviewed for a new podcast called Amplitude.

Amplitude is a quirky new show about using new media (internet) to market your products. It's hosted by the dynamic duo, Mike Stopforth and Dave Duarte and is well worth bookmarking!

To hear my interview ("Skyrove is an 'out of control' community"), go and and check out Amplitude Episode 4


Anonymous said...

You make an excellent guest for an interview Henk!

Anonymous said...

Amen to posting the Geek test at the 27 Dinner wiki. I didn't know where to send you a note, so I am doing it somewhat inappropriately here. I scored 23.67%, which means that I narrowly qualify. I think that people who play the chromatic harmonica should get the same number of points as people who play the piano accordion, though; and there should also be points for people who proof-read and write in corrections on menus in restaurants. Perhaps, though, I would lose some points if there was a question about dancing. (I can -- and do -- dance.)