Saturday, September 30, 2006

Do you know where Doha is?

I'm currently using Wi-Fi at Doha International Airport in Qatar. I'll be here for another 4 hours and was very excited to see that they have Wi-Fi available. For free!

The bad news is that you get what you pay for. Pages are constantly timing out, emails aren't being sent etc.

I wish this were a Skyrove hotspot! Skyrove hotspots are faster, not because of the technology, but because of the business model. Skyrove charges per MB, therefore faster internet can lead directly to higher revenues for the Skyrove Hotspot Provider.

So, who wants to start a Skyrove movement in Qatar?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I know where Doha is and yes, the Internet access sucks, they also seem to filter lots of ports so I could not ssh to my trusty text based MUA mutt.

Notice the GPS link (-: