Sunday, October 01, 2006

YACI (Yet Another Crazy Idea)

Just spent 10+ hours on an aircraft from Cape Town to Doha in the Middle East, and soon boarding a 7 hour redeye flight to Berlin. I'd LOVE to get some sleep, but simply cannot sleep on planes.

How about, in addition to seats, airlines started offering economy class bunk beds? Each one would be compartmentalized, with the head section facing towards the aisle at an angle. Have the bed incline for when you need to eat, lying sideways like an ancient Roman, or decline for having a good solid shuteye.

I see some problems with safety regulations, as seats have to be upright during take-off and landing.

It might even be an idea to have some 'sleeping capsules' on planes available for hire by the hour.

It would lead to the Mile High Club becoming less exclusive though...


Anonymous said...

Those safety regulations about seats being upright - want to know what they are really for?

Well the advised crash position of "head between knees" won't save your life, but it will save your dental records. Yup, that way they'll know who died...

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of those pics of budget hotels in Japan where the "rooms" are like pigeon-holes about 3' high with ladders to acces them!

Henk, remind me to find out what TimWG takes on overseas flights - he hates flying. Pops one pill after take off and sleeps the whole way to the UK. Just don't do what he did - slept *very* soundly and mistook the pilot's pre-landing announcement at Heathrow for a post-takeoff announcement from JHB, popped a 2nd pill in irratation, only to have to fight off sleep for 3 hours while wiating for a connecting flight! LOL!
