Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Churches and Business Incubators

Anyone who's ever been to a European village knows that things are centered around the town square or 'piazza'. The most prominent building on the piazza is always the church. In such a village, the church is involved with pretty much everything that goes on in the small town. Whether it be the running of soup kitchens for the poor or having fund raising carnivals on the square.

Without being a confirmed 'member', if you live in such a village, the church will influence your everyday life.

I liken this to my experience with the Cape IT Initiative (CITI).

CITI is playing a major role to make Cape Town the Silicon Valley of Africa. It doesn't wait for entrepreneurs & small businesses to sign up, it goes out and involves them in their 'town square' activities, thus enabling them to in turn become high impact entrepreneurs.

I haven't joined them as a member, but yet they've contributed in various ways to our business. Instead of 'soup kitchens' they have 'soapboxes' and rather than 'carnivals' they have 'gala dinners'. Instead of Sunday School they have the brilliant 'MyMentor' program.

The latest CITI initiative is theVeloCITI business acceleration programme.

VeloCITI is like injecting NOS into your company.

If you're a geek with a clever ICT business idea or prototype but you don't have years of business, finance & marketing experience behind you, then VeloCITI could make the difference between you becoming a has-been inventor or tomorrow's business leader.


Anonymous said...

Woot Woot, we've been shorlisted forVeloCITI. Doing the 2 day bridging course (smells of reality TV's elimination process) where 5 of the 20 shortlisted companies will be elimnated. The 15 companies will be running on NOS for 9 months thereafter. You know where to go for a behind the scenes blog ;) Hou duim vas.

henkk said...

Congratulations Rafiq and Miguel!

And also congrats to RedButton (one of Skyrove's super partners) and iTrackLive for cutting the grade so far!