Friday, November 03, 2006

Nightmare CVs

I recently posted an advert on the gumtree for an internship position at Skyrove.


We'd like to offer an internship to an exceptionally bright CS/EE/IS student for the summer vacation period.

We have several projects available (web development, embedded linux programming, process management, marketing etc)

Please contact me directly if you're up to the task.

Henk Kleynhans
Skyrove CEO
henk at

p.s. foreign students are welcome

I have received some really great responses, but others have left much to be desired. I thought I'd highlight some of these and give some tips on CVs, cover letters and the use of email for job applications.

1. Please do NOT send me a blank email with your CV attached.

2. Please do NOT have someone else send me a CV 'on behalf of' you

3. Please DO send a cover letter or an email that clearly shows you know a little bit about my company and that you would really like to work here

4. I have 2 words for you: Spell Check! One applicant told me that one of her core competencies was 'great atention to detail'. Even spell check doesn't always do the trick, so PLEASE have someone read your CV. One person meant to say 'Reason for leaving:' (a previous job) but instead typed 'Reason for living'

5. Do not start your email with 'Dear Sir/Madam'. I gave you my name and email address. If you don't know whether 'Henk' is a male or female name, google me.

6. Do NOT send me a generic cover letter/CV. It will NOT work. You need to show an interest in working for me. (or anyone else for that matter)

7. I was a B student at varsity. That means I need to hire A students. However, if you weren't on the merit list and you didn't distinguish yourself in leadership activities, there is still a chance I might hire you. But ONLY if you write me a VERY good cover letter. You need to investigate my company thoroughly and clearly show great excitement for what we are doing.

8. If you've done all of the above and you still don't receive a response from me, don't wait around. You're not at the top of the pile and I'll probably send out a 'we regret' email in another week or so. You have one last chance of redeeming yourself. Phone me. Tell me how badly you want to work here. I WILL look at your CV again and give it some extra thought. It might not work, but you've just made your chances a 100 times better.

Please take these tips to heart. It should greatly help you to get employment anywhere.

If you are looking for a fantastic job-hunting guide look no further than 'What Color Is Your Parachute' by Dick Bolles

1 comment:

Brett Webster said...


Great comments on the whole CV submittal process.

Tip for you as an employer -- State clearly exactly some of the stuff you want. It helps cut down on the crap and applicants get it right 1st time round.. e.g. Pls submit your CV and a covering letter telling us exactly what sets you apart and why you really want to work for this company. Its the only way some people learn how to do it. Certainly was for me.
