Saturday, May 19, 2007

Dell Robbing Africa Blind

In the USA a Dell Inspiron 6400 notebook computer will set you back $699 (default features), while in South Africa the same model will cost $1380. That's almost twice as much! And even though we're looking at the same model, the South African version also uses a slower, older processor.

Similarly, an entry-level Apple Macbook costs more than $1500 in South Africa, and that's the OLD model with slower processor, smaller harddrive and no iSight camera. The latest model being sold overseas will only set you back $1099. That's a full 36% difference!

Misters Dell & Jobs, please realise that we are NOT wealthier in Africa than in the US. Please stop ripping us off! Instead of trying to do something phenomenal like a $100 laptop for Africa, how about just knocking off a few hundred, instead of a few features, so that at least we pay similar prices to the US & Europe?


Anonymous said...

This is probably caused by import tariffs or something similair rather than Apple or Dell.

If this wasn't the case, there would be nothing to stop you from ordering lots of computer equipment from another cheaper tax-free location (such as Hong Kong), pay for shipping and under selling the current distributors.

henkk said...


There are no import tariffs on computer equipment, and you are quite right, there are lots of gray imports happening.

Unfortunately neither Dell nor Apple (nor Acer nor HP) are willing to provide ANY support for gray imports, or even for laptops bought overseas during business trips, regardless of their 'international warranties'.

As businesses would rather not deal with gray imports, Apple & Dell are exploiting this to the fullest.

Anonymous said...

Although I feel it is rather hard to believe there are no import duties on pc stuff (as everything gets taxed here), it is also a matter of the rip-off mentality in this country - not only Telkom, but also private companies - as long as there is not enough competition nor price-regulation, they get away with it - effectively blocking progress (and bigger market shares with lower prices articles).

Manoj1za said...

I just bought a Acer Aspire 7720-6569 notebook at US$500.00 and transport US$49.00 plus insurance for US$29.00 Which translates to about R4500. Vs +/- R12 000 Rands to buy locally..If this one breaks I'll buy a better one less then the South African price. Who needs SA warantee at ridiculess prices!?