Sunday, May 06, 2007

The Sky's the Limit

Check out this article on Skyrove in last week's Financial Mail Campus.

I had a great interview with Alita Byrd, FM Campus' editor, and I think she did a great job of explaining the Skyrove concept. (Maybe my dad will finally understand what we do)

Alita sent me the article before it was published to double-check all the facts. We normally call our end-users 'Skyrovers' and we don't have a specific name for our 'Hotspot Providers'. Alita actually called our Hotspot Providers 'Skyrovers' in the article, and it sounded so darn good that we decided to start doing it too, instead of correcting the mistake!

Henceforth, anyone who starts a Skyrove hotspot will be called a 'Skyrover'!

I hope to get some 'I'm a Skyrover!' bumper stickers out soon! Cut of the last part if you drive a Rover, Range Rover or Land Rover...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad my dad's not the only one that doesn't get what his son does :)