Sunday, May 27, 2007

Lingham Capital Invests in Skyrove

This post has been moved to

I'm delighted to announce that Skyrove has acquired its first round of Venture Capital from 'VC 2.0' firm, Lingham Capital.

Vinny Lingham has the magic ingredients to become a successful Venture Capitalist. He's an entrepreneur who's been there, done that. He's investing his own money and, more importatly, his own time/bandwidth into the handful of startups he's funding! (For now Skyrove and Synthasite) He's not managing other people's money nor is he having someone else manage his. He's made a commitment not to invest in more companies than in which he could play an active role.

I asked Vinny to do Guy Kawasaki's VCAT (Venture Capital Aptitude Test), and he scored more than 40 points.

If Vinny keeps following the no bullshiitake approach to investing in other startups that he did in dealing with Skyrove, I foresee Lingham Capital as the first VC fund in South Africa to even come close to their Silicon Valley counterparts.


Justin Stanford said...

Congrats, Henk! :)

Brett Webster said...

Well played Vinny and congrats Henk!